Embrace the New Year! Set Goals for 2022 and How Your EAP Can Help

Posted on January 10, 2022 by Nicole Anderson

Updated April 17, 2023

setting goals in article imageWhen facing so many unknowns, every day challenges can be overwhelming. Developing and focusing on short and long term goals for your professional and personal life can help! Setting goals and staying on track to achieve those goals can be difficult, but the benefits are worth the effort. For example:

  1. Goals create motivation.
  2. Individuals who define and commit to completing their goals will typically achieve more of the things they desire making them feel more successful in all areas of their lives.
  3. Those who set goals and are successful in meeting those goals are often more satisfied with their work, and have higher levels of self-confidence.
  4. Effective goal setting is beneficial because it creates a general “can do” attitude and results in higher levels of happiness throughout life.1

“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.” – Denis Watley2

Resources for Setting & Achieving Your Goals

Goal setting is not easy for everyone and can be very overwhelming. Whatever goals you may be looking to achieve, know that we are here to help! Check out the list below to help spark ideas to help you set and achieve your goals:

  • Physical Well Being
    • Download your VITAL WorkLife App and leverage the Goals feature to help hold you accountable for any fitness or healthy habits you may be looking to create or change.
  • Financial Well Being
    • Connect with a financial advisor to help achieve any financial goals you may have.
  • Legal Well Being
    • Perhaps you have a goal to setup a will for either yourself or a family member. Access the Will Maker and Trust tool by logging into your Member Website.
  • Emotional Well Being:
    • Schedule either a face-to-face or virtual session(s) with a counselor to help address any emotional needs at hand. A counselor can help you set and achieve goals – they are also a great resource to help hold you accountable!
  • Spiritual Well Being
    • Learn how to meditate and practice mindfulness through either a counselor or coach. Or get started on your own by viewing the mindfulness video series on your VITAL WorkLife App!
  • Relational Well Being
    • Maybe you and your partner have goals you are working on together. Connect with a counselor to help guide and keep you both on track for success.
  • Professional Well Being
    • VITAL WorkLife offers Educator, Nurse & Work/Life Coaching – connect with a coach to help you set and meet any professional goals you may have.

We Can Help

As part of your VITAL WorkLife EAP, you have access to a plethora of resources to help guide you through any challenges you may be facing. We are here to assist you in improving any dimension of your overall well being including physical, relational, emotional, professional, spiritual and legal/financial. To access your EAP resources, give us a call at 800.383.1908 or access through your VITAL WorkLife App.


1 http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/The_Benefits_of_Goal_Setting.html

2 http://thepeakperformancecenter.com/development-series/skill-builder/personal-effectiveness/goal-setting/types-of-goals/

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