What Is The Wheel of Well Being?

Posted on June 21, 2021 by Kay Roberts, MA

Updated April 17, 2023

What is Well Being?

We consider well being to encompass an overall sense of satisfaction with your life. Your overall experience of well being is influenced by your health in six interrelated dimensions we refer to as the Wheel of Well Being.

Wheel of Well Being-2020By evaluating and understanding your well being in each dimension, you discover opportunities for improvement. Giving attention to these opportunities in each dimension can positively impact your overall well being which can have a transformative effect on your contentment and satisfaction in life.

Dimensions of Well Being

The VITAL WorkLife Wheel of Well Being is a framework used to evaluate distinct areas of life and build well being. Life can be divided into key dimensions all working together synergistically to create the uniqueness of each person. Each area of life is interrelated with the others. However, at any given time, life can become overwhelming. When we take a moment to assess the current situation, the Wheel of Well Being helps focus on a specific key dimension. The following definitions will provide support as overall balance and well being is explored.

Professional - Finding fulfillment in the nature of your work, how you are compensated, the quality of your relationships with colleagues and satisfaction with your work/life integration.

Physical - All aspects of your body including your general overall health, your senses, intellect and the type, and consistency, of the activities you partake in.

Financial/Legal - FINANCIAL: The management of money, credit and other debt and asset issues. LEGAL: To understand the law as it pertains to your personal or professional welfare.

Spiritual - Exploration of a life of meaning, purpose, values and beliefs, the role of spirit or soul, and/or a deeper understanding of self and your connections to the larger community.

Emotional - Characterized by a stable mood, ability to experience, manage and express emotions, acceptance of self and others, a positive outlook and freedom from worry.

Relational - Interactions and connections between individuals and groups, including professional relationships in the workplace and personal relationships with family and friends.

Learn More

To learn more, you might find it helpful to assess your own well being. Take this quick assessment to evaluate your health in each dimension of well being and check out our video overview of the VITAL WorkLife approach to well being.

We Can Help

Every dimension of the wheel is essential to your personal overall well being. If you feel one dimension, or several dimensions, are lagging behind or out of balance, we’re here to help. If you have concerns about your Wheel of Well Being, whether it be in your professional or personal life, talking to a counselor or peer coach as part of your VITAL WorkLife benefits can help you develop a plan to get your Wheel of Well Being into balance or set goals to build your own pathway toward well being.

Call VITAL WorkLife anytime for the support you and your loved ones need.

  • EAP members call 800.383.1908 or access resources through your VITAL WorkLife App
  • Physician Well Being Resources members call 877.731.3949 or access resources through your VITAL WorkLife App

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Contact us online to learn how our well being resources can support your employees. 


Source: Jane E. Myers, Thomas J. Sweeney and J. Melvin Witmer, Journal of Counseling & Development, first published online: 23 DEC 2011

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