Struggling With Financial Concerns? How Your EAP Can Help

Posted on May 17, 2018 by Amy Tiffany

Updated June 17, 2020

VITAL WorkLife Can Help

Couple-Financial-ReviewAre you overwhelmed with the idea of paying for your children’s college education? Perhaps you bit off more than you can chew with a mortgage you really can’t afford. Is there a legal concern you need advice about? If one of these scenarios sounds familiar to you, VITAL WorkLife has a suite of Legal and Financial solutions to help you tackle these issues, and others like it, head on.

As an organization that recognizes the impact of unstable finances and looming legal concerns, we have defined Financial Well Being and Legal Well Being to include the impact on all areas of your life.

Here is an overview of the financial/legal resources available to VITAL WorkLife EAP members.

  • Free consultation with a qualified attorney is available by phone as well as in person, generally within one business day.
  • Free, unlimited telephonic consultations with financial experts are available without an appointment during regular work hours, and by appointment on Saturdays.
  • Your Revamped Member Site includes legal and financial content, with a full selection of articles, tip sheets, financial calculators, handbooks, online seminars, worksheets, checklists and legal forms to help you get the answers you need. NOTE: The simple Will is now available as a self service online tool!

In addition, we have a number of Insights dedicated to a variety of financial and legal topics.

Insights on Budgeting, Spending and Debt

Identity Theft Insights

Financial Planning & Planning for the Future

The Emotional Side of Finances

We Can Help

We encourage you to be proactive and take advantages of the free resources available to you! Members have access to a wealth of information on the Member Website, including more financial and legal articles, worksheets, financial calculators and more. Learn more through your VITAL WorkLife App or call 800.383.1908 to be connected with a Legal or Financial representative.

Interested in learning more?

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