Mindfulness Monday: What Is Mindfulness?

Posted on August 26, 2019 by Yael Rubin, PhD, LP, Psychologist

Updated November 13, 2020

Mindfulness Monday Video Series

Today, everywhere, we are hearing about the importance of Mindfulness. It seems this 3,000-year-old practice is stronger than ever, and we have the science behind this practice to show why it is so powerful. 

Research affirms that, over time, practicing mindfulness contributes greatly toward improving mental and physical health. Scientists have discovered that mindfulness techniques reduce stress and anxiety, lower effects of heart disease and high blood pressure and reduce chronic pain. Research also demonstrates mindfulness bolsters our immune system, making us, overall, better able to fight off diseases. 

What is Mindfulness?

Simply put, mindfulness is the practice of being aware of where you are, what you are doing and why you are doing it. We can practice mindfulness at any time by cultivating awareness in the present moment with an accepting attitude toward our inner experiences. By practicing moments of mindfulness regularly, we build the mind muscles that will help us in the middle of a stressful situation, crisis or triggering event.  

Mindfulness is an incredible tool that can help us understand, tolerate and deal with emotions in a healthy way. It helps us to alter our habitual responses by taking pause and choosing how we act. Mindfulness is not, of course, the answer to all of our individual problems, but its important role has become increasingly relevant in a world that is more and more stressful, unpredictable and complex.

Starting today and over the next few months, we’ll be highlighting "Mindfulness Monday" in a series of videos with VITAL WorkLife consultant Yael Rubin, PhD. In the videos Dr. Rubin will cover what mindfulness is, the benefits of mindfulness, a short mindfulness exercise and much more.


We Can Help

Are you a member of one of our solutions?

VITAL WorkLife counselors are available to assist you in finding efficient ways to build mindfulness into your daily life. We can direct you to online resources, classes available in your own community and can also offer simple strategies and techniques to have a more mindful approach to your work and personal life. Additionally, download our article Mindfulness in Medicine: How Mindfulness Can Help Support Physician Well Being

  • Physician Well Being Resources Members: Contact us at 877.731.3949 or through your VITAL WorkLife App to access your resources today.
  • EAP Members: Contact us at 800.383.1908 or through your VITAL WorkLife App to access your resources today.

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