In part 5 of our “Mindfulness Monday” video series with Yael Rubin, PhD, LP, and VITAL WorkLife consultant, Dr. Rubin shares a simple mindfulness exercise you can do in a moment when you are experiencing stress.
The exercise uses your breath, with counting, to help distract yourself from stress and bring about a sense of relaxation. It’s a simple exercise that is great for new meditators or people who are just starting to practice mindfulness.
In the exercise, which Dr. Rubin goes through in the video, you just have to sit, and count with your breath—count in one, and out two—in three, and out four—in five, out six—in seven, out eight—in nine, and out 10. She shares this might be all you have time for in a moment of heightened stress—and it works.
This exercise can also be used as a tool to help calm your mind before bed. If you are doing this exercise before bed, and your mind starts to wonder, start over at one. Eventually, you will be able to count all the way to 10 without a distracting thought.
If you are feeling stressed, we encourage you to watch this video in the moment to help you relieve that stress.
We Can Help
VITAL WorkLife counselors are available to assist you in finding efficient ways to build mindfulness into your daily life. We can direct you to online resources, classes available in your own community and can also offer simple strategies and techniques to have a more mindful approach to your work and personal life. Additionally, download our article Mindfulness in Medicine: How Mindfulness Can Help Support Physician Well Being.
- Physician Well Being Resources Members: Contact us at 877.731.3949 or through your VITAL WorkLife App to access your resources today.
- EAP Members: Contact us at 800.383.1908 or through your VITAL WorkLife App to access your resources today.
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