Launching a Well Being Program—Important Steps for Success

Posted on April 19, 2022 by Vanessa Downing, PhD

Updated April 19, 2022

You’ve heard, understood and accepted the case for setting up a well being program for the physicians in your organization. In terms of recruitment, retention, reduced medical errors and many other positive factors, it makes business sense. Even more importantly, it’s the right thing to do: caring for your physicians’ emotional and mental health is simply part of your remit as a healthcare organization.

But how do you get started? What needs to be in place before you can get a robust program going and what are the first steps in launching one?

As a PhD consultant to healthcare organizations and a personal coach for medical practitioners with deep experience in launching well being programs, I may have some answers. In my article Launching a Well Being Program—Important Steps for Success, I share insights into getting key stakeholders on board, collecting the data you’ll need, fostering partnerships, deciding on the scope of your efforts, setting up pilot programs, protecting physician privacy and more.

It’s a primer on initiating one of the most important resources you can provide to keep the people who work for you happy, healthy and productive at a time when medicine has never been more challenging.

Read the article here: Launching a Well Being Program—Important Steps for Success

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