Members: Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Resources are Available to You and Your Family Members Anytime
Your VITAL WorkLife EAP is available for you and your family members to support your well-being and help you with whatever challenges come your way. Below we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from members about their resources.
What does my EAP include?
- Unlimited in-the-moment behavioral health support (in-the-moment phone counseling)
- Face-to-face or virtual counseling sessions
- Coaching for career decisions, skill building and goal setting
- Educator Peer Coaching
- Nurse Peer Coaching
- Parent Coaching
- Financial & Legal Consultations and Resources
- VITAL WorkLife App with multiple resources
- Online resources for well-being

How do I access my resources?
There are two primary ways to access your resources:
- Phone: Call 800.383.1908
- Through the VITAL WorkLife App
You can also contact us online at
What is the experience like when you call in?
When you contact us at 800.383.1908, you will be prompted to select the resource you want to access. This saves you time and helps you reach the correct resource quickly and directly. Through these prompts you can also learn more about your benefit, and at any time you can press "6" to speak with a representative.
Experienced and professional coordinators will assist you confidentially in scheduling counseling or coaching sessions between 7AM-7PM CST. We also have clinically trained team members available for in-the-moment counseling, connection to financial and legal resources no matter what time of day or night.
What are my online resources and how do I access them?
- Numerous self-guided resources are available to you through your Member Website. Using your organization-based login, you and your family members can access articles, seminars, legal/financial documents and more, covering a wide range of topics, to support your well being. You can search by keywords or browse by category. You can also review an overview of your benefits.
- An often-overlooked benefit available through your Member Site is the “Savings Center,” which is a discount shopping program. Whether you’re looking to travel, shopping for a new car or need to buy a new laptop, you can find discounted prices and/or earn points towards future purchases that could save you money through the same websites where you already shop.
- The Locate Providers section of your Member Website offers tools to search for childcare, elder care, pet sitters, adoption providers and more.
What is the best way to access my financial resources?
- Financial: When calling for your financial benefit we can connect you with a financial consultant as often as you need. If additional preparation or more specialized support is needed, a financial consultant can assist you with a referral to a more appropriate resource.
- Legal: When you call us for a legal question, you will be connected to our Legal Resource Network who will provide a free 30-minute consultation. They will help address your legal concern and can connect you with a local lawyer in the network at a discounted rate if requested.
Through the Member Site you have access to numerous forms and calculators to support your financial and legal needs. Some of these include budget calculators, a simple will, promissory notes and bills of sale.
What happens if it’s the middle of the night and I need to talk to someone?
At any time of the day or night, you can call for in-the-moment phone counseling from a master’s level counselor. You can also leave a message for VITAL WorkLife staff who will reach out to you during regular business hours.
How can family members use my EAP benefit?
All family members of an employee have access to the same benefits as the employee. For example, your cousin in California can use your EAP benefit, or your uncle who lives in New York. In addition, if a family member accesses an EAP benefit, this does not impact the benefits available to the employee.
When accessing phone-based resources, family members only need to provide the name of the organization/employer providing the benefit and their relationship to the employee. Unless there is a safety concern or written consent has been provided, employees and employers will not be informed when a family member accesses their EAP benefit. Family members can also access the Member Website with the same login.
How do referrals work with children?
Parents or legal guardians can refer children if they are under the age of 18. Depending on state laws and the comfort level of the counselor, the age at which children can engage in counseling without parental consent may be under the age of 18. For confidentiality reasons, children over the age of 18 must contact VITAL WorkLife themselves or be made present when the call is made to refer for counseling.
If you are a member of our EAP benefit, contact us at 800.383.1908 or through the VITAL WorkLife App to access your resources and get started on assessing and improving your well being today.
Not A Member?
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