Download Our Infographic: How to Advocate for a Well-Being Program

Posted on January 6, 2023 by Mary Wolf, MS, LPC-MH, BCC

Updated January 6, 2023


Information and Action to Help You Be an Advocate for a Well-being Program in Your Organization

With pressures taking a toll on your emotional and mental health, burnout becomes a distinct possibility. However, having a robust, easily accessible and confidential well-being program can be a huge benefit for both physicians and organizations.

Unfortunately, advocating for a well-being program isn’t an easy task and not everyone is in a position to be an effective advocate. But understanding how to approach leadership and how to argue for a program can increase your chances of success. Here are a few basic facts to help support the value of well-being programs and suggestions on how you can approach advocating.

How to Advocate for a Well-Being Program in Your Organization

In this infographic we take a look at some key data points around the importance of well-being programs and what actions you can take to advocate for one within your organization. 

Download the infographic to learn about ways you can advocate for a well-being program in your organization.

Download Infographic

To better understand how to approach leadership and how to argue for a program, download our article Approaching Leadership to Advocate for Physician Well-Being Programs to learn more.

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