Download Our Infographic: Bouncing Back. Signs of Post Traumatic Growth.

Posted on March 13, 2023 by Susan Wilson, MD, CPC

Updated March 13, 2023


Is the Healthcare Industry About to Bounce Back?

Over the past three years, clinicians have been bombarded by a multitude of challenges, resulting in unprecedented levels of burnout among healthcare professionals. However, new statistics show a promising shift that might indicate that the healthcare workforce is poised to make a significant bounce back.

However, these positive new stats aren’t simply enough to truly spark Post Traumatic Growth. To accompany a growing change in physicians' outlook the industry must seek to foster work environments that make seeking help acceptable, and accessible and empower physicians to take the necessary steps towards their own PTG.    

In this infographic, we take a look at new data that many are saying may signal a great recovery in the healthcare industry is just around the corner, and what your organization should be doing to ensure that you’re poised and ready for Post Traumatic Growth.

Download the infographic to learn more about the positive signs that industry experts are seeing that may indicate a bounce-back in healthcare is on the way, and how you can ensure your organization is well-positioned to embrace it.

Download Infographic

To better understand how to approach leadership and how to argue for a program, download our article Approaching Leadership to Advocate for Physician Well-Being Programs to learn more.

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