How mindful are you in your daily life?

Posted on May 14, 2018 by Amy Tiffany

Updated June 17, 2020


Take Berkeley's Mindfulness Assessment below to learn more about what mindfulness is, how mindful you are and how you can incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. We are highlighting Berkeley's assessment because it is a reputable source and gives practical recommendations.

Want to learn more?

There are plenty of quick, easy ways you can practice mindfulness informally, including mindful breathing exercises that can be done at anytime, anywhere, and this 90-second focused breathing exercise to help you decompress in stressful situations.

VITAL WorkLife counselors are available to assist you in finding efficient ways to build mindfulness into your daily life. We can direct you to online resources, classes available in your own community and can also offer simple strategies and techniques to have a more mindful approach to your work and personal life. Additionally, download our article Mindfulness in Medicine: How Mindfulness Can Help Support Physician Well Being.

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