How to Lead the Way Toward Physician Well-Being

Posted on January 4, 2018 by VITAL WorkLife

Updated August 1, 2023

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Download the second in a series of articles from VITAL WorkLife addressing physician well-being solutions at multiple levels, from individual self-care to organizational support for physician well-being. In our newest article learn the importance of leadership on physician well-being and patient outcomes, factors behind a healthy organizational culture and strategies for improvement.

Below is an excerpt from our newest article, How to Lead the Way Toward Physician Well Being. Download the article below to read more.

How to Lead the Way Toward Physician Well Being

Over 50 percent of physicians exhibit some signs of burnout. Along with the most significant changes in healthcare’s history, including technological advances and sweeping changes to everything from governmental policies to organizational workflow, there is an urgent need for healthcare leadership to recognize and address this crisis.

According to the Maslach Burnout Inventory, signs of burnout include emotional exhaustion, depersonalization or cynicism and feelings of unfulfillment or lack of accomplishment. When physicians suffer from burnout, the downstream effects are immense. It can affect patient safety and satisfaction, risk management, as well as staff retention and recruiting.

What role can physician leadership play in supporting physicians and providers? Download the article to find out!

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