- Feel very busy, but your workload is manageable
- Easily distracted, but still able to complete most tasks
- Irritated and frustrated on an occasional basis
- Motivated to get more done in a shorter amount of time
- Feel frazzled, like you can’t move fast enough
- New challenges add to your busy schedule, but are still welcomed
- Feeling of being overwhelmed comes and goes
- Feel overwhelmed, like you’ll never get caught up
- Unable to meet demands of the jobs
- Constantly irritable and frustrated
- Indifferent and resentful about getting tasks done
- Numb and fatigued, as if you can’t muster enough energy
- Bored by activities and challenges you used to be energized by
- Every day feels like a bad day you dread facing
Warning Signs
Stress doesn’t always lead to burnout. But when it does, these are some early red flags:
- Feel drained most of the time, no matter how much sleep you got
- Prone to colds and other illness due to lowered immunity
- Higher degree of pain like headaches or muscle aches
- Difficulty sleeping
- Constant use of sarcasm or negative comments
- Decreased sense of accomplishment
- Self-doubt about simple decisions
- Avoid social situations
- Drink more alcohol or use drugs to “relax”
- Increased procrastination
Speaking with a consultant or coach can help provide a further understanding of the symptoms. If you have any of the warning signs of burnout or feel an undue amount of stress, consider getting assistance.