Best Strategies and Tactics for Making the Well-Being Program Argument

Posted on December 7, 2022 by Mary Wolf, MS, LPC-MH, BCC

Updated December 7, 2022

Demands and pressures put on physicians in this era of medicine are large, pervasive and don’t seem to be receding anytime soon. Between added administrative tasks, dealing with staff shortages and productivity requirements, many are struggling and need more support from their organization. A well-being program is a sound solution, but there’s a need to approach leadership to start educating them and hopefully implementing it. Here are a few best practices and approaches to keep in mind and to use when approaching leadership to help support your efforts:

insight_bestadvocatestrategiesThe best arguments to bring to leadership for a program are bottom-line arguments—about how a program can boost retention, help recruitment, reduce medical errors, and much more. See our blog post “Arguments to Make for a Well-Being Program” and our article Approaching Leadership to Advocate for Physician Well-Being Programs for details.

But what are the best approaches and tactics for making those arguments? Here’s a handful of the best:

  • Speak to your department head about your vision.
  • Join your organization’s well-being committee to get a seat at the table.
  • Engage with other physicians in the organization concerned about well-being and share what you have observed to build support for a program.
  • Bring HR into the discussion. These professionals are on the front lines of advocating for workers in your organization and know the costs of recruiting physicians.
  • Try an informal pilot project with leadership’s approval—such as a “buddy system” for support, regular social gatherings, etc.
  • Get input from peers in other organizations who have a program in place. They can offer tips for building a program and share success stories. Don’t give up; institutional change can take time. Consistent and fact-based approaches advocating for change raise awareness and will make a difference.

For more details on becoming an effective advocate for a practitioner well-being program, read our article Approaching Leadership to Advocate for Physician Well-Being Programs.

Download Our Article on How to Approach Leadership to Advocate for Physician Well-Being Programs

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