Download Our Infographic: What Do Women in Medicine Care About Most?

Posted on May 2, 2023 by Penelope Hsu, MD

Updated May 2, 2023


A changing landscape for female physicians

Over the last few years the healthcare industry has been a hot topic of conversation. From the cost and quality of care, to the declining numbers of practitioners, to the impact of COVID on frontline caregivers. One shift in healthcare has quietly occurred with very little attention—the rising number of women in healthcare. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), women made up the majority of medical students in 2019, meaning the medical profession is on the brink of women outnumbering men in the field. 

Because women in medicine today face daunting challenges and disadvantages not seen in the past by most of those in the field, healthcare leadership in the years ahead will undoubtedly be forced to make major changes in policies, attitudes and procedures to accommodate them. From greater work-life balance to changes in the interpersonal dynamics between peers and patients, the field is likely to look and feel very different.  

Download the infographic to learn more about what women physicians want from their job and their organizations to stay happy, healthy and effective.     

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