What to Expect from Telehealth Counseling

Posted on April 8, 2020 by Adam Frei, MS, LPC, CEAP

Updated April 9, 2020

Telehealth counselingTechnology is quickly becoming the thing that keeps us connected when in-person interactions are not possible due to physical distance or health-related social distancing. While utilizing technology has become very familiar when maintaning social connections with family, friends and coworkers, many of us have much less experience or comfortability with vitual interactions with it comes to addressing our phyical and mental health.

What is Telehealth Counseling?

Telehealth counseling offers you and your loved ones the flexibility to meet with a counselor from a location where you feel most comfortable either by phone, video, chat and even text with some counselors. With over 60 million telehealth counseling sessions happening worldwide, you increase your options for more choice in counselors and availability for individual and couples sessions with virtual support. When deciding on if telehealth counseling is for you please note there are some considerations to keep in mind: 

Technology issues are inevitable

Be prepared for glitches, drops and connection issues. Do not hesitate to interrupt your counselor if you cannot hear what they are saying. If you’re planning on using video, make sure you have a strong internet connection either through Wi-Fi or mobile data. If you are planning to use mobile data keep in mind that video chats use large amounts of data so be aware of limits and overages. Although technology can be frustrating, be flexible and have a back up plan if you or your counselor’s device is not working properly.

Make your space your counseling office

Find a space that feels soothing and peaceful. Having a dedicated space for your sessions may help you to reconnect with your conversations and experiences in previous sessions. Remove any possible distractions. Constant eye contact with your counselor can be draining so surround yourself with other relaxing things to look at such as pictures, plants and flowers. For many of us silence during a phone conversation means that there is nothing else to talk about. Remember that in counseling, silence is often utilized by the counselor to provide space to explore thoughts and feelings that may arise.

Allow time to transition into and out of your session

Telehealth counseling can happen anywhere, and this can lead to us associating those spaces with the counseling session. In counseling, difficult topics can arise and by allowing ourselves time to transition into and out of the counseling session we can more effectively leave those difficult conversations in the counseling session and focus on the positive impacts. Keep in mind that normally you would have time in the waiting room and when traveling back to you home or work to prepare and decompress from your session before moving on to the next task.

We Can Help

Members: If you are ready to utilize your telehealth counseling, contact VITAL WorkLife today.

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