Download the Infographic: How to Support Clinician Well Being During COVID-19

Posted on December 29, 2020 by Mitchell Best, CEO

Updated February 15, 2021

Challenges Under the "New Normal"


With the dramatic increase of COVID-19 cases experienced throughout the country with no clear end in sight, there is one thing you as a healthcare leader can be sure of: the pandemic will continue to take a toll on the emotional and mental health of your frontline workers.

Contemporary medicine has produced new stressors: lost autonomy, institutional productivity requirements, the complexities of insurance and EMRs, an aging patient population with multiple comorbidities and much more. The pandemic has added exponentially to these sources of distress and it’s important to be able to recognize and name the consequences.

A Blueprint for Well Being

Stress and burnout, conditions already familiar to many clinicians, has only been made more dramatic during the pandemic. About 64% of surveyed physicians say these feelings of burnout have only intensified and 46% report increased feelings of isolation1. This and many other pressing issues is why it is critical for healthcare organizations to take a serious look at how they support and promote well being among their clinicians and healthcare team members.  

Download the infographic for a clear understanding of what your clinicians face, what you can do about it and how your organization can take steps toward ensuring the well being of their team members

Download Infographic

For more knowledge on how to provide assistance in recovery and practical advice on how to navigate the complex needs of your organization throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, download our article, Best Practices for the COVID-19 Recovery Process.

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