Download the Infographic: Building a Culture of Ongoing Care for Your Clinicians

Posted on April 15, 2021 by Sarah Prom, MA, LPC, ODCP

Updated April 15, 2021

Building Culture with Care in Mind


Everyone in the world is hoping for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. When it comes, the brave and dedicated healthcare workers in your organization, whose mental and emotional health has been tested daily by the rigors and traumas of COVID-19 care, will take a victory lap. But the battle won't be over for them.

Clinicians have experienced heightened levels of stress since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the focus shifts on accommodating healthcare team members and physicians alike, organizations must prioritize building a culture of sustainable care to meet their needs.

The Mission of Well Being Must Go On

Healthcare leaders need to understand they should prepare to provide support for the long-term mental health needs of their workers. This means organizations won’t be able to just declare “mission accomplished” come end of summer. They’ll need to understand the ongoing aftereffects of handling COVID-19—the toll of the day in, day out struggles, the failures, the fears, the grief and the fatigue—and respond with compassion long after the pandemic recedes.

Download the infographic for a definition of what it takes to build a culture fostering care for your clinicians, how you can begin to address their issues of lasting stress and a look at what has been learned throughout the pandemic.

Download Infographic


For more about how healthcare organizations can take steps to ensure their team members are adequately cared for, in the present and long-term, download our article How Organizations Can Impact the Emotional Aftermath of COVID-19. 

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