Emergency Physicians
Highest level of burnout among all medical specialties
As an advocate for Emergency Physicians, Jay Kaplan, MD, FACEP, President of the American College of Emergency Physicians, supports a balanced, holistic approach to well being. Discover how well being can be learned by studying Noah's Ark, from his podcast on Physician Wellness:
- Don't Miss the Boat—what is your personal mission statement
- We're All in the Same Boat—who supports you by helping deal with your opportunities and identify your strengths
- Plan Ahead: It Wasn't Raining When Noah Built the Ark—create a renewal investment plan to stay healthy
As Dr. Kaplan discusses the importance of the different dimensions of well being, such as purpose, sleep and relationships, among others, he also offers a number of tips on how to strive to achieve balance in work and life, while enjoying the practice and the patients of emergency medicine. For example:
- Take a REAL vacation
- Recognize burnout in yourself and others
- Give yourself a break (take it one step at a time)
- Both ask for help and to say no
We Can Help
At VITAL WorkLife we have a variety of resources available to help with physician burnout, including unlimited in-the-moment telephonic support, available 24/7, face-to-face or virtual counseling session, peer coaching and WorkLife Concierge. If you are a member of our Physician Well Being Resources solution, contact us at 877.731.3949 or through the VITAL WorkLife App.