How Many Germs are on my Cell Phone?

Posted on April 24, 2015 by Michelle Tuley

Updated November 23, 2020

dirty cellphone

Have you ever thought about how many germs there are on your cell phone?

Would you believe me if I told you your cell phone has more germs than a toilet seat?

Think about it. Most of people will clean their bathrooms and toilet seats at least once a week, but a majority of individuals do not disinfect and clean their cell phones that often — if ever.

Do you want to find out how many germs live on your cell phone? Click here to take a short quiz and see how many germs are on your phone, and how many dirty toilet seats that is equivalent to.

Samaritan Health Services gives these quick tips on how to keep your cell phone clean and germ-free:
  • Start by avoiding bathroom chats
  • Clean your cell phone regularly with a damp, lint-free cloth, which might eliminate bacteria though some experts say it does little more than rub the bacteria around.
  • Fast-drying cleaners specifically made for mobile devices are available, such as alcohol-based Wireless Wipes. Note that alcohol does not kill all viruses.
  • Devices using UV-C light claim to kill germs in 30 seconds. UV-C is part of the ultraviolet light spectrum. The “C” stands for the particular frequency of UV light that kills up to 99.9 percent of germs.

Did this get you thinking about the other devices you don't clean? If so click here to learn more about how to keep all of your devices cleaner.

Interested in learning more?


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