How Peer Coaching Can Help Physicians Boost Their Job Satisfaction

Posted on June 3, 2021 by Michelle Mudge-Riley, DO, MHA, RDN

Updated September 7, 2021

VWL-19-001_HowPeerCoachingStudies show an engaged physician will be effective and productive, and this engagement reduces referral leakage, increases in-network referrals, creates a more engaged patient base and improves care as physicians’ job satisfaction motivates them to develop their skills.1

How, then, do we improve physician engagement? One key strategy is to address physicians’ mindsets.To put it simply, are they happy and fulfilled working in your organization? Are they optimistic about their future? If they are, engagement and loyalty are natural outcomes.

If they’re struggling in any of these areas the opposite is true. Our recent research shows physicians using peer coaching had improved well being scores that were 58% higher after coaching. Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 11.22.36 AM

Peer coaching pairs physicians with certified coaches who are also physicians—they know first-hand the struggles of contemporary medicine. Working as professional partners rather than therapists, peer coaches support physicians with empathic listening, guidance and support to reframe and address frustrating or troubling issues.

Getting “Unstuck” and Setting Goals

A physician who is stuck in a rut, is feeling dissatisfied or can’t see any way out of it, is likely starting to disengage. One of the main benefits of peer coaching is the way a coach can skillfully help the physician see where she or he has options and opportunities in what may seem like a no-win situation.

Building on those discovered, or rediscovered, positives, the physician sets personal and professional goals with the help of their coach—and the coach can act as an accountability partner to help the physician meet those goals.

An “unstuck” physician meeting his or her goals is on the way to experiencing fulfillment and engagement, with all of the benefits for the physician and the organization.

For more on how peer coaching can benefit your physicians and your organization, check our White Paper and Article below.

Download our White Paper Peer Coaching Impacts on Physician Well Being

Download our Article The Value of Peer Coaching and its Promising Benefits



*Pathman, Donald E., “Physician Job Satisfaction, Job Dissatisfaction, an Physician Turnover,” Medscape

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