Deepening Relationships, Recognition for Healthcare Support in 2018

Posted on December 27, 2018 by Mitchell Best, CEO

Updated September 22, 2020

This week VITAL WorkLife was admitted as a Network Organization which supports the National Academy of Medicine’s Action Collaborative on Clinician Well Being and Resilience. Closing the year strong takes extra effort from everyone, and this recognition to be included in an elite group of organizations dedicated to reversing trends of clinician burnout and supporting clinician well being is a testament to some of the great work we’ve done this year. These include:

  • Many new healthcare clients across the country who have put their trust in VITAL WorkLife to support their clinicians and organizational well being.
  • Expanding our consultant network as part of our preferred workforce and the strong relationships we have together in supporting our mission.

Thank you to everyone who has supported VITAL WorkLife in 2018. We look forward to continuing this journey together in 2019. Make your next year be happy and prosperous.

Happy New Year!

Mitch Best, CEO

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