Breaking the Burnout Barrier: How Healthcare Well-Being Programs Can Reverse the Trend

Posted on June 13, 2024 by Sam Goeb

Updated June 19, 2024

A recent report from Eagle Hill Consulting, published by Becker’s, highlights that U.S. workers are still struggling with alarmingly high burnout rates, currently at 45%.

Considering that in the early days of COVID, it was almost 60%, we could see the new rates as an improvement. What's troubling, though, is that over the last two years, we seem to have plateaued, and we're entering a phase of uncomfortable truth where almost 50% burnout is the norm.

physicians feeling burnout 2018 to 2023This situation is particularly concerning for our frontline healthcare workers, where burnout rates are often even higher. As noted in VITAL WorkLife’s 2024 Healthcare Trends and Insights report, 60% of physicians reported feeling burnout in 2023. They, like many healthcare professionals, lack options such as reduced hours or remote work that others in the US workforce might leverage to combat burnout. The relentless demands of a role in healthcare create unique challenges that exacerbate stress and fatigue.

Many of these professionals have had to do more with less, all with a future physician shortage looming over them. The pressures of being a physician have only intensified, with the majority of physicians reporting they are at full capacity or overextended and overworked.

physician workload attitudes

Creating cultures that nurture well-being, both in mindset and through direct, connected resources, has never been more important. It's essential to support healthcare workers by providing tools and programs that help them overcome stress, burnout and barriers to seeking mental health support.

At VITAL WorkLife, our mission is to support healthcare organizations in fostering environments where well-being is prioritized and burnout rates like we see here, aren't accepted as normal. Together, we can make a difference and instead use these stats as a foundation for whole-person well-being efforts.

Learn more about VITAL WorkLife.



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