Mindfulness in Medicine: How Mindfulness Can Help Support Physician Well Being

Posted on April 17, 2018 by Liz Ferron, MSW, LICSW

Updated May 18, 2020

Mindfulness in MedicineMindfulness in Medicine-10-022-0415

In our 2015 Physician Stress and Burnout Survey Report, 46 percent of physicians reported severe stress and/or burnout. In a rapidly changing healthcare market, physician stress and burnout is likely going to increase. Stress and burnout leads to many concerns and issues for the physician—as well as the organization.

But what if there was a quick, easy way—backed by research—to help physicians improve their well being, job satisfaction and quality of patient care?

Fortunately, there is—mindfulness. In our fourth article addressing physician well being, we take a deep dive into mindfulness, exploring what mindfulness is, the benefits of mindfulness for physicians and informal mindfulness strategies to help reduce stress and improve job satisfaction, well being and patient outcomes.

Download Mindfulness Article

Read more about the impact of physician burnout. Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting mindfulness on our blog, including a deep breathing video, a mindfulness assessment and more.

Click Here to read more about mindfulness on our blog.

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