How to Create a Spiritual Language, Part 2

Posted on March 6, 2016 by Kay Roberts, MA

Updated March 5, 2020


Spiritual language part 2Creating a new spiritual language to help you describe the journey toward holistic well being is one way to assist in the process of deepening your spirituality. Our inner personal journey of transformation is about raising our own consciousness to help create a new positive world view. Spiritual living offers lasting, sustainable resolutions to work and home life.  Over time we grasp a view of the world where we awaken to the inter-relatedness of all things. When we view our current condition with this new consciousness, we will further tap into inner resources; our inner knowing.

How does someone begin?

Below is a glimpse into this new spiritual language to help you describe what you are feeling today and where you hope you can travel instead. What doesn’t feel right today? If you can answer this based on any of the other dimensions of the Wheel of Well Being--do so, then explore the spiritual dimension of your life.

  • Ask questions
  • Am I fully living into my own unique life?
  • What is missing?
  • Am I longing for something more?
  • Am I ready to question all aspects of my daily living?
  • Am I feeling directionless?
  • Are my inner life nudges giving me a feeling I need to re-orient?
  • Is my sense of unrest a call to seek spiritual help and healing?
  • Do I notice distress I cannot name?
  • Is my distress partnered with a sense of being over-whelmed  impacting myself or others?

Words like spiritual thirst or longing, and the unleashing of spiritual and creative expression, start to enter this new spiritual world vernacular. Let’s journey there awhile and just see what words begin to resonate with you in this new time and place. As you move forward, know many people experience this dis-ease. Recently Melinda Gates, CEO of the Gates Foundation, shared in Fortune magazine she too “went through a period of intense soul searching.”

What words resonate?

Seeker, wisdom seeker, spiritual adventurer, spiritual pilgrimage, pioneer, explorer, spiritual pathway, spiritual quest, inner exploration, seeking a new consciousness, enlightenment, wholeness, holistic living, spiritual liberation, abundant gratitude, spiritual vibrancy, harmony in life, living my unique life, living into my life fully, living my best life, inner peace, calm, hope, source, life source, to transcend, self-discovery, self-aware, self-care, nourish my soul, inspire my spirit, authentic self, soul expansion, spiritual insight, co-create, co-creation. Finding my higher self, inner potential, inner wisdom, inner knowing, spiritual courage, compassion, inner light.

Spiritual language describes current inner life & preferred future life

Soul work, consciousness/unconscious, awakening, awareness, mind shift, hungering for an inner peace the world cannot take away, need to shed my baggage, seeing the awe in everyday living, returning to a spiritual foundation, unlocking the deep, deep listening, deep silence, deep freedom, spiritual unfolding, strong desire positively impacting humanity, source of inner strength, energy source

Spiritual language describes something beyond ourselves

Illustration_Girl looking up at starsUniverse, mystery, the Divine, God, Creator, Maker, transcendent, transcendence, giving from gratitude. Most spiritual images use inclusive terms, neither male nor female, to describe this idea of something so filled with mystery and/or awe one name will not suffice. This awe does not always come from outside oneself, but ones actions are fueled and visible by a great sense of gratitude and a desire to give back in order to lessen the suffering of others.

In this spiritual realm, we can become part of a narrative that includes mysteries of the universe, the cosmos and beyond.  We can begin to explore concepts of harmony, unity and even Spiritual Altruist – one who aspires to be a helpful activist or is seen as a service-oriented leader and seeker of wisdom.  Different spiritual practices name the journey as truth seeker, spreader of unconditional love, an awakener, championing a mindset of goodness, open channel of love, light source, love source, transformative, embracing a concept of higher good, higher self, seeing good in everything and in everyone goes.

This is just a beginning place for you to bring you Beginner’s Mind. During the beginning, we can ask ourselves HOW we want to BE while getting to this place of spiritual understanding. Perhaps one of the most useful techniques I learned while traveling my own spiritual journey was this: During exploration it is helpful to both trust and to relax into the mystery. And so we begin again.


We Can Help

Need more information on how to get started with your Spiritual Language? Read Part 1 for information on how spiritual issues may present themselves and how to begin your journey into this mystery of your soul, your spiritual dimension. As always, give us a call 24x7x365 for the support you need or to schedule an appointment with a counselor or peer coach.

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