Insights from VITAL WorkLife

Infographic: Does Your Organization Help Physicians with Well Being?

Written by VITAL WorkLife | January 9, 2018

Physician leaders play an important role in building a culture of well being in their healthcare organization. Caring, effective leadership is essential for addressing physician and advanced practitioner stress and burnout. Leadership conversations and setting a positive example of well being can dramatically impact a healthcare organization's culture. This can result in effective change for the healthcare organization.

Ways Physician Leaders can Build a Strong Culture of Well Being

One of the most significant ways leaders can support their physicians is to do their part to create a positive culture of well being. It is important for leaders to be able to acknowledge physician burnout. Leaders should also advocate for their physicians and advanced practitioners to build a framework for a culture of well being. Leadership needs to make professional well being a core priority in their organization. This can be accomplished by establishing well being as a key leadership responsibility. In addition, including well being in an annual strategic plan can make a big impact. 

There are a variety of solutions physician leaders can implement to create an environment to support physician well being and grow a culture of resilience. For example, leaders can tailor their leadership style by implementing a more collaborative and team-centered physician leadership approach. The ability to shift from the traditional “command and control” form of leadership to leading through influence instead of by authority, can have a positive influence on your healthcare organization. Another solution includes advocating for a strong leadership development program. By doing so, an organization can help physician leaders become more effective leaders, build teamwork and drive innovation in healthcare.

Download this checklist to discover if you have the well being solutions in place to make a positive impact in your organization. And learn about more solutions to help your physicians build their well being.