Inadequately funding a physician well being program can result in unforeseen expenses for the organization.
The impact COVID-19 has had on healthcare organizations left many leaders looking for ways to contain costs and manage expenses as they look to navigate the coming year. Unfortunately, the short-term savings that some organizations are seeking may actually exacerbate the situation, resulting in a potential tsunami of physician well being issues from reduced hours to low patient satisfaction scores that will have both human and financial repercussions for years to come.
Physicians in organizations who see their leadership caring about their well being, by investing in programs designed to support them, tend to demonstrate increased engagement and improved morale resulting in better job performance and reduced strain on the organization as a whole.
When healthcare leaders recognize the importance of their physician’s well being and choose to adequately fund programs to support it, they can reduce costs and minimize lost revenue for their organization for years to come.
Download the infographic to see the impact an inadequately funded physician well being program can have on your people and your bottom line.
For more about how healthcare organizations can take steps to ensure their team members are adequately cared for, in the present and long-term, download our article Investing in Physician Well Being: the Smart Business Choice.