Insights from VITAL WorkLife

Can Laughter Really Improve Your Well Being?

Written by Susan Otten, ABC, SCMP, MBA | March 28, 2016

Laughter Really CAN Be the Best Medicine

It may be a myth a typical child laughs 300 to 500 times a day, while most adults laugh only about 15 times a day, but it IS true kids tend to laugh a LOT more than most adults. But does this really matter for your overall well being?

According to the Mayo Clinic, though it has yet to be proven laughter can cure all ailments, proof is increasing with regard to the benefits of a good sense of humor. Here are a few of the benefits of laughter:

Short-term benefits - Laughter doesn't just lighten your load mentally, it actually causes physical changes, such as:

  • Stimulates organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs, muscles and increases endorphins released by your brain.
  • Relieves stress response. A good laugh stimulates, then relaxes your stress response, plus increases heart rate and blood pressure, resulting in a more relaxed state. This is especially important in high stress jobs, such as in the level of stress reported by physicians.
  • Soothes tension. Laughter can also help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress by stimulating circulation and aiding in muscle relaxation.

Long-term effects - Laughter also benefits you over the long haul, in multiple ways:

  • Improves immune system. Negative thoughts can manifest into chemical reactions decreasing immunity. In contrast, positive thoughts actually release neuropeptides to help fight stress and potentially more-serious illnesses.
  • Relieves pain. Laughter may ease pain by helping the body produce its own natural painkillers. Laughter may also break the pain cycle common in some muscle disorders.
  • Increases satisfaction. Laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations and helps connect with other people.
  • Improves mood. Many people experience depression due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen depression, anxiety and make you feel happier.
Want proof a good laugh is contagious? Take a look at this video with more than 84 million views to see if you can NOT laugh, then share this with a friend in need of some joy today:


Read one of our previous articles for more tips on How to be Nice To Yourself To Bring Back Joy or give us a call to speak to someone who can help you or your loved ones get the support needed.

We Can Help

If you are one of our EAP members, call 800.383.1908 or access resources through your VITAL WorkLife App
Physicians Well Being Resources members call 877.731.3949 or access resources through your VITAL WorkLife App

About VITAL WorkLife

VITAL WorkLife, Inc.™ is a national behavioral health consulting company providing support to individuals facing life’s challenges, while also assisting organizations in improving workplace productivity. Our approach of helping employees and their families, while also guiding organizations, builds healthy, sustainable behaviors. For over 30 years, we have offered industry leading Employee Assistance Programs, specialized support, training and consulting for a wide variety of industries.