Insights from VITAL WorkLife

Aging Family Members: How to Know When Help is Needed

Written by VITAL WorkLife | December 30, 2014

How do you know when it's no longer safe for your parents or other older family members to live on their own? It's often hard to tell. The U.S. Administration on Aging has provided a list of 10 warning signs that should help you know when it's time to take action.

10 Warning Signs Your Older Family Member May Need Help—has your loved one:

  1. Changed eating habits, resulting in losing weight, having no appetite, or missing meals?
  2. Neglected personal hygiene, including wearing dirty clothes and having body odor, bad breath, neglected nails and teeth, or sores on the skin?
  3. Neglected their home, with a noticeable change in cleanliness and sanitation?
  4. Exhibited inappropriate behavior, such as being unusually loud, quiet, paranoid or agitated, or making phone calls at all hours?
  5. Changed relationship patterns, causing friends and neighbors to express concerns?
  6. Had physical problems, such as burns or injury marks, which may result from general weakness, forgetfulness, or misuse of alcohol or prescribed medications?
  7. Decreased or stopped participating in activities that were once important to them, such as bridge or a book club, dining with friends, or attending religious services?
  8. Exhibited forgetfulness, resulting in unopened mail, piling up of newspapers, not filling their prescriptions, or missed appointments?
  9. Mishandled finances, such as not paying bills, losing money, paying bills twice or more, or hiding money?
  10. Made unusual purchases, such as buying more than one subscription to the same magazine, entering an unusually large number of contests, or increasing purchases from television advertisements?

If you're looking for eldercare resources, the U.S. Administration on Aging provides an online Eldercare Locator. It helps you get connected with information on local aging resources that offer assistance for aging in place, enabling older adults to continue living independently in their homes and communities. Contact the Eldercare Locator by calling 800.677.1116 or going to the website at 


We Can Help 

Whether you are feeling overwhelmed with the stressors of life or struggling to find the right way to support a friend or family member in need, VITAL WorkLife is here to help. We have numerous resources supporting every aspect of your well being, from in-the-moment telephonic counseling to peer coaching.  

We are available day and night at: 800.383.1908 for EAP Clients, 877.731.3949 for Physician Well Being Resource Clients, to support you and those you care about.